Greenhouse Mini Sessions in Keller, TX

If you're familiar with my work - then you know that I always try to keep my mini's original. I like to offer sessions that are unique to ME and my brand. 

I haven't ever offered "Easter Mini's", because.. well.. everyone offers them. I will not purchase chicks/bunnies just for a prop, but I decided I wanted to offer some type of Spring Mini. I actually just started working on my flower beds at my house, and I was in Wal-Mart shopping for mulch in their tiny nursery, and saw my daughter twirling in an aisle of plants. It was one of those moments where I desperately wished that I had my big girl camera on me - so I knew I had to bring her back, but this time to a real greenhouse - with lush greenery, and vibrant flowers.

I reached out to what felt like 300 nurseries, and I struggled trying to find someone who would allow me to shoot. Well - persistence paid off, and The Flower Ranch in Keller e-mailed me, and gave me the green light. You guys, the greenhouse was perfect. Their flowers are so beautiful, and the staff was so friendly.  

I am sad to say that this is the only year that I will offer Greenhouse Mini's. BUT I am SO happy with of the sessions that I had. <3

Take a look and tell me what you think!