red truck session

Red Truck & Watermelon Mini's in Fort Worth, Tx.

Red Truck & Watermelon Mini's are BLOGGED. Holy Jeez, and they are precious too! 

I offered Watermelon Mini's last year - but I felt like they were missing something. I follow tons of photographers, tons of photographers who offer Watermelon Mini's, and I wanted to bring something to this years setup that was a little out of the norm. And then it hit me - my red truck, hello! It screams summer time, I love how the green contrasts with the red, and I EXTRA love that all of my kiddos showed up in denim. :)

I love these images, LIKE LOVE, LOVE. I love the Watermelon residue on their chins, elbows, and bellies. :) I've already got a 16x20 printed of my kids in the back of the truck.

People have asked me if I am bringing it back - I will not offer Watermelon Mini's again this year, BUT I will bring this setup back next summer. :)