2019 Year in Review // Fort Worth, TX

2019 is over in TWO days y’all.. for real. the start of a brand new decade.

i can’t wait.

eventually i would love to blog my favorite images from the past decade. maybe i’ll aim to get that done in January.

every december/january i start pencilling in what minis im going to offer the following year and i look through the past years sessions and man, 2019 had some incredible sessions/clients. i stayed busy january-december. i didn’t really get an “off season”, and i am so grateful - but my website was a little neglected and with that - so did my blogging. there are some favorite images from the past year that i didn’t get to post on social media/blog that i want to share with you all.

SO here are some of my favorite images from 2019.

i didn’t include weddings, and keep in mind - in the month of november i shot over 100 sessions. so if your family isn’t here -its not because i didn’t adore your gallery - i just cant share ALL the things. my blog has an image limit. I am hoping to get some past galleries blogged, so stay tuned for that.

these images spoke to me one way or another. whether it be that i loved the emotion, the tones, the composition, or it could be as simple as i really liked the mini set up.

2020 im ready to see what magic we can make.

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